The Anderson group’s research focuses on discovering and optimizing new quantum photonic materials that will enable advances in quantum information applications.
Our vision: Enabling an internet of quantum devices with photonics

Our projects:
Quantum photonics with silicon carbide
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a wafer scale semiconductor at the heart of the power electronics and electric vehicle revolution. Excitingly, it is also a promising material for quantum information science and technology. Our work focuses on defects in the SiC lattice that trap an electron spin state that can be used as a qubit. We have demonstrated world-record long coherences (>5 seconds), high fidelity control, initialization and single-shot readout in this system. This isolated spin qubit can be used in a variety of quantum sensing, computation and communications applications, even up to room temperature. We aim at develop this platform for quantum networking nodes, which could serve as a scalable, low cost, telecom-band backbone for secure quantum cryptography and a future quantum internet. To this end, we study SiC electronic + photonic devices with single qubits with an eye towards heralding and distributing entanglement over long-haul optical fiber.

Relevant publications
Embracing imperfection for quantum technologies (Physics Today)
Five-second coherence of a single spin with single-shot readout in silicon carbide (Science Advances)
Entanglement and control of single nuclear spins in isotopically engineered silicon carbide (Nature Materials)
Electrical and optical control of single spins integrated in scalable semiconductor devices (Science)
More to come!
Harnessing quantum phase transitions for nonlinear optics
Efficient modulation of light and mediating interactions between photons are the key capabilities that enable advances in classical and quantum photonics. For this purpose, electro-optic materials have permeated applications ranging from quantum transducers and frequency combs to interconnects in data centers. We study materials near phase transitions that are exciting platforms that display a high dielectric constant linked to an enhanced electro-optic tunability. For example, the perovskite SrTiO3 (STO) displays a quantum paraelectric phase at low temperature, where the cryogenic dielectric constant becomes massive but remains stable to near zero temperature. As a result, the electro-optic coefficient is orders of magnitude higher than leading systems, potentially revolutionizing photonic quantum computing, microwave-to-optical transduction, and for scaling superconducting processors. In particular, we aim to make a “quantum modem” that can hook up superconducting quantum processors to optical networks.

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New materials discovery and understanding for quantum science and technology
We are broadly interested in using fundamental understanding of materials to guide discovery of new platforms that solve outstanding hurdles in quantum science. For example, we aim to eliminate noise sources for solid-state qubits by engineering and controlling charge, spin, sound, light, and surfaces. We also explore novel materials with interesting optical properties for quantum science, guided by a physics-based understanding. We believe that materials science toolkits can help tackle key challenges for real-world quantum devices.

Optimizing electro-optic materials

A new periodic table for quantum coherence
Relevant publications
Quantum guidelines for solid-state spin defects. (Nature Reviews Materials)
More to come!
Thin film “Anything-on-Anything” devices
Using a universal bonding technique, we can create heterogenous stacks of arbitrary materials to create thin film classical and quantum devices that were previously impossible. At a fundamental level, these thin films are the necessary prerequisite to create waveguides and scalable photonic circuits with new materials. We believe that no one quantum platform will have all needed functionality, so work to heterogeneously integrate quantum and classical materials.

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