Polarization-dependent photoluminescence of Ce-implanted MgO and MgAl2O4
M. Kawahara, C. Vorwerk, Y. Abe, K. Takano, V. Somjit, F. J. Heremans, C. P. Anderson, J. Ishihara, G. Wolfowicz, S. E. Sullivan, M. Kohda, S. Fukami, G. Galli, D. D. Awschalom, H. Ohno, S. Kanai. Applied Physics Express 17 (7) (2024)
Single-shot readout and weak measurement of a Tin-vacancy qubit in diamond
E. I. Rosenthal, S. Biswas, G. Scuri, H. Lee, A. J. Stein, H. C. Kleidermacher, J Grzesik, A. E. Rugar, S Aghaeimeibodi, D Riedel, M Titze, E. S. Bielejec, J Choi, C. P. Anderson, J. Vuckovic. arXiv.2403.13110 (2024)
Challenges in advancing our understanding of atomic-like quantum systems: Theory and experiment
A. Gali, A. Schleife, A. J. Heinrich, A. Laucht, B. Schuler, C. Chakraborty, C. P. Anderson, C. Déprez, J. McCallum, L. C. Bassett, M. Friesen, M. E. Flatté, P. Maurer, S. N. Coppersmith, T. Zhong, V. Begum-Hudde, Y, Ping. MRS Bulletin (2024)
Embracing imperfection for quantum technologies. (Featured, Journal Cover)
C. P. Anderson and D. D. Awschalom. Physics Today 76 (8), 26–33 (2023)
Microwave spin control of a tin-vacancy qubit in diamond.
E. I. Rosenthal, C. P. Anderson, H. C. Kleidermacher, A. J. Stein, H. Lee, J. Grzesik, G. Scuri, A. E Rugar, D. Riedel, S. Aghaeimeibodi, G. Ahn, K. Van Gasse, J. Vučković. Phys. Rev. X 13, 031022 (2023)
Patent: Strong spin-microwave coupling for quantum technologies.
E. I. Rosenthal, C. P. Anderson, J. Vuckovic (US Patent App. 18/121,412, 2023)
Generalized scaling of spin qubit coherence in over 12,000 host materials.
S. Kanai, F. J. Heremans, H. Seo, G. Wolfowicz, C. P. Anderson, S. E. Sullivan, G. Galli, D. D. Awschalom, H. Ohno. PNAS 119,15, e2121808119 (2022)
Five-second coherence of a single spin with single-shot readout in silicon carbide.
C. P. Anderson*, E. O. Glen*, C. Zeledon, A. Bourassa, Y. Jin, Y. Zhu, C. Vorwerk, A. L. Crook, H. Abe, J. Ul-Hassan, T. Ohshima, N. T. Son, G. Galli, and D. D. Awschalom. Science Advances 8, 5 (2022)
Probing the coherence of solid-state qubits at avoided crossings.
M. Onizhuk, K. C. Miao, J. P. Blanton, He Ma, C. P. Anderson, A. Bourassa, D. D. Awschalom, G. Galli. PRX Quantum 2, 010311 (2021)
Quantum guidelines for solid-state spin defects. (Featured, Journal Cover)
G. Wolfowicz*, F. J. Heremans*, C. P. Anderson*, S. Kanai, H. Seo, A. Gali, G. Galli, D. D. Awschalom. Nature Reviews Materials 6, 906–925 (2021)
Universal coherence protection in a solid-state spin qubit. (Featured)
K. C. Miao, J. P. Blanton, C. P. Anderson, A. Bourassa, A. L. Crook, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, D. D. Awschalom. Science 369, 6510, 1493-1497 (2020)
Entanglement and control of single nuclear spins in isotopically engineered silicon carbide. (Featured)
A. Bourassa*, C. P. Anderson*, K. C. Miao, M. Onizhuk, H. Ma, A. Crook, H. Abe, J. Ul-Hassan, T. Ohshima, N. T. Son, G. Galli, D. D. Awschalom. Nature Materials 19, 1319-1325 (2020)
Developing silicon carbide for quantum spintronics. (Perspectives Article, Featured, Journal Cover)
N. T. Son, C. P. Anderson, A. Bourassa, K. C. Miao, C. Babin, M. Widmann, M. Niethammer, J. Ul-Hassan, N. Morioka, I. G. Ivanov, F. Kaiser, J. Wrachtrup, D. D. Awschalom, Applied Physics Letters 116, 190501 (2020)
Purcell enhancement of a single silicon carbide color center with coherent spin control.
A. L. Crook, C. P. Anderson, K. C. Miao, A. Bourassa, H. Lee, S. L. Bayliss, D. O. Bracher, X. Zhang, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, E. L. Hu, D. D. Awschalom, Nano Lett. 20, 5, 3427-3434 (2020)
Vanadium spin qubits as telecom quantum emitters in silicon carbide.
G. Wolfowicz, C. P. Anderson, B. Diler, O. G. Poluektov, F. J. Heremans, D. D. Awschalom. arXiv 1908.09817 , Science Advances 6, 18, eaaz1192 (2020)
Coherent control and high-fidelity readout of chromium ions in commercial silicon carbide.
B. Diler, S. J. Whiteley, C. P. Anderson, G. Wolfowicz, M. E. Wesson, E. S. Bielejec, F. J. Heremans, D. D. Awschalom, npj Quantum Information 6, 1 (2020)
Patent: Electrically tunable quantum information processing device based on a doped semiconductor structure embedded with a defect.
A. Bourassa, C. P. Anderson, D. D. Awschalom (March 2020, provisional: 62/819,221 , 62/863,674 )
Electrical and optical control of single spins integrated in scalable semiconductor devices.
C. P. Anderson*, A. Bourassa*, K. C. Miao, G. Wolfowicz, P. J. Mintun, A. L. Crook, H. Abe, J. Ul-Hassan, N. T. Son, T. Ohshima, D. D. Awschalom, Science 336, 6470, 1225-1230 (2019)
Electrically driven optical interferometry with spins in silicon carbide.
K. C. Miao, A. Bourassa, C. P Anderson, S. J. Whiteley, A. L. Crook, S. L. Bayliss, G. Wolfowicz, G. Thiering, P. Udvarhelyi, V. Ivády, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, A. Gali, D. D. Awschalom, Science Advances 5, 11, eaay0527 (2019)
Heterodyne detection of radio-frequency electric fields using point defects in silicon carbide.
G. Wolfowicz, C. P. Anderson, S. J. Whiteley, D. D. Awschalom, Applied Physics Letters 115, 4, 043105 (2019)
Spin–phonon interactions in silicon carbide addressed by Gaussian acoustics.
S. J. Whiteley*, G. Wolfowicz*, C. P. Anderson, A. Bourassa, H. Ma, M. Ye, G. Koolstra, K. J. Satzinger, M. V. Holt, F. J. Heremans, A. N. Cleland, D. I. Schuster, G. Galli, D. D. Awschalom, Nature Physics 15, 5, 490-495 (2019)
Strain annealing of SiC nanoparticles revealed through Bragg coherent diffraction imaging for quantum technologies.
S. O. Hruszkewycz, S. Maddali, C. P. Anderson, W. Cha, K. C. Miao, M. J. Highland, A. Ulvestad, D. D. Awschalom, F. J. Heremans, Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 8, 086001 (2018)
Optical charge state control of spin defects in 4H-SiC.
G. Wolfowicz, C. P. Anderson, A. L. Yeats, S. J. Whiteley, J. Niklas, O. G. Poluektov, F. J. Heremans, D. D. Awschalom, Nature Communications 8, 1, 1-9 (2017)
In-situ study of annealing-induced strain relaxation in diamond nanoparticles using Bragg coherent diffraction imaging.
S. O. Hruszkewycz, W. Cha, P. Andrich, C. P. Anderson, A. Ulvestad, R. Harder, P. H. Fuoss, D. D. Awschalom, F. J. Heremans, APL Materials 5, 026105 (2017)
2016 and earlier
Solvent dependent branching between C-I and C-Br bond cleavage following 266 nm excitation of CH2BrI.
C. P. Anderson, K. R. Wilson, K. G. Spears, R. J. Sension, Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 194307 (2013)
Carrier-envelope phase- and spectral control of fractional high-harmonic combs.
P. Raith, C. Ott, K. Meyer, A. Kaldun, M. Laux, M. Ceci, C. P. Anderson, T. Pfeifer, Journal of Applied Physics 114,173102 (2013)
Fractional high-order harmonic combs and energy tuning by attosecond-precision split-spectrum pulse control.
P. Raith, C. Ott, C. P. Anderson, A. Kaldun, K. Meyer, M. Laux, Y. Zhang, T. Pfeifer, Applied Physics Letters 100, 121104 (2012)
A large-scale complex haploinsufficiency-based genetic interaction screen in Candida albicans: analysis of the RAM network during morphogenesis.
N. Bharucha, Y. Chabrier-Roselló, T. Xu, C. Johnson, S. Sobczynski, Q. Song, C. J. Dobry, M. J. Eckwahl, C. P. Anderson, A. J. Benjamin, A. Kumar, D. J. Krysan, PLoS Genet. 7(4), e1002058 (2011)