

August 2024:

Yuvraj Misra joins the team as a graduate student!

July 2024:

Joel successfully concludes his summer journey with the Open Quantum Initiative program and the Anderson Lab!

We are excited to join the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park!

Joel Ruzindana reflects on his experience with the Open Quantum Initiative program!

June 2024:

Anastasiya Osher and Nathaniel Irwin join the team as graduate students!

The Anderson lab welcomes Joel Ruzindana as a summer Open Quantum Initiative student!

River Chen and Morgan Anderson join the team as undergraduate researchers!

March 2024:

Prof. Anderson and the lab are featured in a profile by MRL!

MRL MVPs: Chris Anderson

Read the article here

February 2024:

Miriya Joseph joins the team as an undergraduate researcher!

Gary Zhang joins the team as an undergraduate researcher!

January 2024: Chris is quoted in a feature about the open quantum initiative.

Chenxi Zhang joins the team as an undergraduate researcher!

Temporary labs are done and ready to be filled with science toys!

Jason Huang joins the team as a graduate student!


Garrett Williams joins the team as a visiting graduate student from the Gadway group!

November 2023: Our temporary labs are almost finished!

Chris and Santiago attend the Chicago Quantum Summit, meet with extended scientific family in the Awschalom group over Neapolitan Pizza.

October 2023: Chris attends the first annual Microelectronics Commons meeting (CHIPS act) in DC. Illinois leads the quantum thrust of the “Silicon Crossroads” hub.

September 2023: Construction on the permanent home of the Anderson lab begins.

Santiago Vargas-Daniels joins the team as a Graduate College Doctoral Merit and Sloan fellow!

Chris gives the IQUIST seminar

Our journey begins!

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